South Africa’s first official Shiraz Aroma Wheel was launched at the 2024 Shiraz Technical Workshop at Allée Bleue Wine Estate. The Wheel results...
Vine spacing effects of Shiraz/101-14 Mgt on a relatively high potential soil in the Breede River Valley, Robertson, South Africa, on grape...
Knowledge of vine growth reaction to plant spacing under relatively high potential soil conditions is limited. This study aimed to determine the...
Heat waves are common during most seasons in many grape-growing regions. They negatively affect the quantity and quality of the crop, especially...
On 8 November 2023, Shiraz SA held their 16th annual technical seminar. During this event, the first edition of the Shiraz Times magazine was...
The annual Shiraz technical workshop is one of the most important events for any producer of Shiraz. Apart from local and international speakers...
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil temperature between flowering and veraison on growth, nonstructural carbohydrates,...