South Africa Wine

discover diversity in a glass

South Africa Wine is the guiding hand behind the scenes, orchestrating industry success and fostering growth from grape to glass.

South Africa Wine is the national body representing wine grape producers, cellars, wine-related businesses, and wholesalers. We provide essential support services to the wine and brandy value chain, demonstrating a commitment to fostering growth and success within the industry.

We have a clear vision to enable the wine industry to become more robust, transformed, agile, and competitive. Our mission is to optimise diverse resources to deliver sustainable value to all stakeholders, emphasising the importance of inclusivity and sustainability in its operations.

We aim to achieve four strategic objectives within the wine sector: transformation and people development, nurturing a loyal and expanding local market base, establishing a strong presence in the global market, and making sustainability a core principle in all endeavours.

Through our essential services and strategic initiatives, we contribute significantly to the growth and success of the wine industry. By empowering industry players and fostering strategic partnerships, we ensure the sector’s continued prosperity and positive impact on the broader community.

We are dedicated to excellence in all aspects of our operations. Through collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships, we position the wine industry as a global leader, driving economic progress and benefiting all stakeholders.

THE BENEFITS of being a member OF South Africa WINE

A single voice for industry
A Single voice for industry.
Coordinated activities around the industry strategy
All activities coordinated around the industry strategy.
A single point of industry accountability
Single point of accountability for delivering on the overall industry strategy and needs.
Optimised application of resources

Optimised application of resources and improved collaboration between functions, in line with industry strategy and objectives.

Improved speed and agility
Improved speed and agility, especially in terms of decision-making.
Flexible funding to meet industry needs

Increased flexibility in allocating funding to meet industry needs (consolidated levy structure).

Our industry partners

Wines of South Africa
SA Brandy Foundation
Great Wine Capitals