Research Booklet
South Africa Wine RDI funds research based on industry needs identified by various stakeholders and individuals.
The annual research booklet contains summaries of the projects that concluded the previous year and the running projects for the year in which it appears. The projects are listed according to the specialist committee they fall under. The short summaries contain the project leader’s name and affiliation.
The book aims to create awareness of industry-funded research amongst all industry role players.
We’d like to invite the industry to contact South Africa Wine RDI or the researchers directly if you want information about any particular project. Please note that we can only officially distribute research results after researchers have published them in scientific publications, which is why the summaries of completed projects do not contain detailed results.
We sincerely hope that this book will stimulate more active involvement and support for these industry-funded research projects and the researchers and students involved in them.
(To download the booklet, please click on the three dots found in the PDF viewer when you click on the buttons below)