Research Scan
the latest South African and international vine and wine research
Researchers in Spain aimed to study different field strategies to help growers adapt to hot and arid climate conditions. VSP-trained vineyard canopy...
The global wine industry faces significant challenges, including a decline in per capita consumption, particularly among young consumers who are...
Stellenbosch University researchers are harnessing artificial intelligence to streamline the identification of grapevine leafroll disease, a...
Over the years, winemakers have adopted a variety of commercially available microorganisms to control different aspects of fermentation. This has...
RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural process that helps plants and other organisms defend against viruses. It is activated when the plant detects...
It is known that grapevine trunk diseases infect vines via pruning wounds. They colonise and spread throughout the vascular tissue affecting sap...
Vine spacing effects of Shiraz/101-14 Mgt on a relatively high potential soil in the Breede River Valley, Robertson, South Africa, on grape...
Knowledge of vine growth reaction to plant spacing under relatively high potential soil conditions is limited. This study aimed to determine the...