Funding Application

South Africa Wine RDI acts in the interest of the South African wine industry and will consider any application based on whether the specific research or technology transfer will contribute to the creation and application of knowledge, which may result in winning advantages in the marketplace.

A specific “Research Call” lists the current industry needs each year. This is to guide researchers in their applications. 

Research Call 2025

Online applications for concept proposals are now open. To apply, click here. Applications will close on 26 February 2025.

    1. Researchers must respect the deadlines and format required for submitting all Concept Proposals, New Project Applications, Progress and Final reports to SOUTH AFRICA WINE. If deadlines are missed, you will not receive funding.
    2. Researchers must have scanned the literature on the specific research topic before submitting their Concept Proposal. This is to explain the novelness of the study in the application clearly, or if it is a repeat study, to demonstrate the reasons for the repeat under South African conditions. A short, concise and well-constructed motivation (only 200 words) is required regarding the topic.
    3. In the New Project applications, applicants must provide details of their correspondence with industry members and their expectations for the project. Failure to complete this section or poor effort may result in applications being rejected.
    4. Project leaders are responsible for ensuring that all reports (Progress and Final) are read and reviewed by the entire project team involved before submission to SOUTH AFRICA WINE to ensure reports are correct, concise, well written and fit for committee review.
    5. If students cannot complete their studies/projects, the project leader should inform SOUTH AFRICA WINE and be responsible for completing the project and submitting the final report.
    6. Project leaders are to inform SOUTH AFRICA WINE immediately if there are changes to projects, if projects  cannot continue, will be delayed, or if any risk that may result in the project not being completed on time (e.g. student issues, co-funding issues, bursary changes, equipment failure, material loss etc.)
    7. Project leaders must ensure that project budgets are completed accurately and checked by a qualified financial controller at the institution involved or as required by universities before submission to SOUTH AFRICA WINE.
    8. Requests for extensions will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and must be very well motivated for additional time and/or funding. Project leaders that require additional funding must communicate their intentions a year in advance.
    9. The Final Reports of all SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded research projects will also be made available to the wine industry on SOUTH AFRICA WINE’s Research Library Database.
    10. The raw data of SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded research projects must be available if requested after completion of the project.
    11. The results of all SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded research projects must be:
      ● Presented to the end-users in the industry (information days, conferences)
      ● Published in at least one scientific journal (Support to SAJEV is recommended)
      ● Published in one popular magazine (SOUTH AFRICA WINE Technical in WineLand magazine).
    12. Researchers must liaise with the SOUTH AFRICA WINE Knowledge Transfer specialists before presenting SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded work to the industry to ensure scientific communication is translated into a clear take-home message for improved engagement.
    13. SOUTH AFRICA WINE to be invited to thesis defenses or dissertations of all SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded projects.
    14. Researchers have to contact the SOUTH AFRICA WINE office if requested by other industries to do knowledge transfer actions (e.g. presentations at information days).
    15. SOUTH AFRICA WINE must be present if any discussions occur with other parties that involve commercialisation options from SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded research.
    16. SOUTH AFRICA WINE reserves the right to claim a pro-rata share of any income generated from all projects receiving SOUTH AFRICA WINE funding or follow-on projects from SOUTH AFRICA WINE-funded projects, with commercialisation opportunities, whether at Full cost, non-Full cost or co-funded by other partners. The share of the rights attributable to SOUTH AFRICA WINE has to be negotiated before SOUTH AFRICA WINE will fund the project in question.
    17. SOUTH AFRICA WINE will use a STEERING committee of representatives from the business, research and IP Offices involved for guidance and decision-making regarding commercialising project outputs.
    18. The procedures and terms from this agreement with researchers are an appendix to the larger overarching agreements made with universities and research councils and are to be adhered to.
    19. Applicants must accept the TERMS and CONDITIONS and a signed document to be submitted to the SOUTH AFRICA WINE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION office.


    August 2023

Application for research funding
  1. SOUTH AFRICA WINE uses an online system for all applications and reporting. For concept proposals, applicants must go to the SOUTH AFRICA WINE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION website when the proposal call opens at the start of every year. Alternatively, an online link will be provided where necessary. Research projects work in different stages that determine their status (Concept Proposal, New Project, Progress Report and Final Report). All fields must be completed in full as instructed on the webforms, and descriptions must be READ CAREFULLY.
  2. SOUTH AFRICA WINE does not fund projects in the same year of application. Projects can only start the year after funding is applied for and approved. 
  3. SOUTH AFRICA WINE will submit all applications to expert technical committees composed of academia and industry members to be reviewed, whereafter, the applicants will be notified of the outcome.
  4. Applicants of approved Concept Proposals will be requested to submit a “New Project” application providing more detail (including a budget and industry expectations) by the end of May. Use key findings (one-liners) from your research scoping as motivation for your project’s importance in your application (200 words).
  5. Technical committees will evaluate “New Project” application details during June. If necessary, researchers can be requested to provide additional information or even re-submit the application for further discussions by the committees in August/September, in exceptional cases. Applications that are poorly written and unclear for the committees regarding the project value for the industry will not be considered for funding.
  6. In August/September, the committees evaluate running projects (Progress Reports and Final Reports) and, in exceptional cases, additional information on re-submitted New Projects if required.
  7. Final approval of project funding (New applications and Running projects) depends on the Budget approval by the SOUTH AFRICA WINE Council. Formal feedback and final approval of projects will be provided after the last council meeting held in November of the specific year.
  8. SOUTH AFRICA WINE will attempt to inform all applicants before the end of November of the year in question whether their application(s) has been successful.
  9. Funding in a particular year does not imply an automatic continuation of funding in the following year. Continued funding will only be considered after approval of annual Progress Reports on the condition that yearly outputs /deliverables have been met and deadlines have been respected.
  10. The funding of projects is subject to available funds, alignment with the specifically identified research priorities (SOUTH AFRICA WINE Themes), as well as the final approval of the SOUTH AFRICA WINE Council.
  11. When a project is completed, a “Final Report” must be submitted to SOUTH AFRICA WINE by the due date and to specifications. Projects will only be regarded as completed after approval by SOUTH AFRICA WINE.
  12. Payment will occur following the submission of an invoice at times agreed upon on an annual basis by SOUTH AFRICA WINE and the party in question.