ABSTRACT: Ultrafiltration (UF) was evaluated as a process by which proteins can be selectively removed from white wine as an alternative approach to protein stabilization than traditional bentonite fining. Unfined Sauvignon Blanc wine (50 L) was fractionated by UF and the retentate stabilized either by heat and/or protease treatment or bentonite fining before being recombined with the permeate. The heat stability of recombined wine was significantly improved when retentate was heated following protease (Aspergillopepsin) addition and subsequently stabilized by bentonite treatment. The combined UF/heat/protease treatment removed 59% of protein and reduced the quantity of bentonite needed to achieve protein stability by 72%, relative to bentonite treatment alone. This innovative approach to protein stabilization had no significant impact on wine quality or sensory characteristics, affording industry greater confidence in adopting this technology as a novel approach to achieving protein stability.
INTRODUCTION: Clarity and transparency are critical outcomes of white wine production to meet consumer expectations. White wine can develop haze or precipitate during long-term storage or after heat exposure if proteins are not removed before bottling (1). Two pathogenesis-related proteins, chitinases and thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs), have been identified as the major contributors to protein haze formation (2, 3). To prevent this perceived fault, winemakers routinely use bentonite as a fining agent to remove proteins from grape juice or wine, to improve its heat stability (4). However, bentonite can also remove desirable aroma and flavor compounds, thereby having a negative effect on wine quality (2, 5, 6). The sensory and financial impacts of bentonite use have driven research into alternatives to bentonite fining (1, 3, 7–9).
A treatment combining heat and protease addition using Aspergillopepsin (AGP) was shown to be effective at removing proteins from grape juice without negative sensory impact (7). The encouraging results obtained for juice and wine, together with regulatory approval for the use of AGP during winemaking in Australia, New Zealand, the European Union and the recent approval by the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), prompted further evaluation and optimization of protease heat degradation as a novel approach to protein stabilization of white wine (9, 10). Heating wine is not generally a winemaker-preferred process due to concerns about the potential negative impact on wine volatile composition and the potential for accelerating oxidation (11). Heat exposure can cause a loss of fruity and floral aromas in young white wines due to decreased volatile esters and acetates in wine (11). Additionally, storage of white wine at 40–50°C for between 7 days and 6 months (to simulate conditions experienced during shipping) was shown to promote browning and the formation of an aged aroma bouquet (11–14). However, heating juice or wine at 61°C for up to 51 min did not result in any perceivable changes to wine sensory quality (15). Thus, shorter durations of heat exposure at moderate temperatures should be less likely to negatively impact wine.
Ultrafiltration (UF) of wine with membranes that have nominal molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) specifications of 5–10 kDa can fractionate wine into heat-stable permeate and protein-enriched retentate (9). Fractionation enables targeted treatment, thereby mitigating any negative quality effects, compared to treatment of wine. Pilot-scale trials demonstrated that haze-forming proteins are effectively retained by the membrane and that heating the retentate fraction at 62°C for 10 min, with or without AGP, significantly reduced protein concentrations and improved the heat stability of recombined wine (9). However, the efficacy of this process on a larger scale, and any sensory implications of the combined UF/heat/protease treatment, are unknown.
This study therefore sought to evaluate the impact of UF/heat/protease treatment on wine volatile and organoleptic profiles, along with protein stabilization, on a larger scale using chemical and sensory analyses. Any evidence of wine oxidation arising from treatment was also specifically assessed.
Sui Yihe, Wollan David, McRae Jacqui M., Muhlack Richard, Capone Dimitra L., Godden Peter, Wilkinson Kerry L. (2022) Chemical and Sensory Profiles of Sauvignon Blanc Wine Following Protein Stabilization Using a Combined Ultrafiltration/Heat/Protease Treatment. Frontiers in Nutrition 9 DOI=10.3389/fnut.2022.799809
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