A comprehensive report on the digitalisation of the sector
The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) is a scientific and technical reference organisation in the vine and wine sector created in 1924. The OIV has launched a new digital observatory hub aimed at identifying the main trends in digitalisation and how new technologies can be applied in the vine and wine sector. The initiative aims to provide updates on the digital/technological trends taking place in the vine and wine sector, and seeks to engage scientists by providing them with more insights. This is aligned with the OIV’s strategic plan for the period 2020 – 2024, which is built around six main axes, of which Axes V is “facilitating the digital transition of the sector”.
This has been materialised in a Digital Transformation Plan with four main initiatives:
- Digital Platforms Network – Connect all actors and foster information sharing around the OIV
- Advanced Analytics Lab – Enhance Data Analytics capabilities to become a data-driven organization
- Digital Transformation Observatory Hub – Discover & sponsor technological trends in the vine and wine sector
- Digital Garage – Devise new services to add value to the vine & wine industry
Download a SUMMARISED REPORT of the comprehensive study on the digitalisation of the vine and wine sector that has been developed based on Member States’ Survey and on Experts’ Interviews.
The FULL REPORT on the Digital Transformation Observatory Hub can be downloaded from the OIV website.